
Hi and welcome to my Blog...I am Pete a Diocesan Bishop of an Independent Catholic Jurisdiction in The UK. The Darley Abbey Diocese is an all inclusive, forward thinking Community of The Faithful, and welcomes all to journey with us seeking a closer relationship with God through The Message of The Gospels, through The Sacraments and Prayer

Monday, 4 November 2013

Homily for All Saints Day
Provincial Gathering St Frances TESSAC

Let us Pray

And now Lord, open my mouth so that I can speak.
Open our ears so that we can hear.
And open our hearts so that we can change.
By your power, and through your grace, May I speak in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

All Saints day, a day when we remember those ordinary people of faith, who were the forerunners of our belief. 

Some, went out into the world to proclaim the message of the gospel, others lived a life in total solitude, in devotion to their Creator. Then there were those who were not afraid to stand up and be counted, even if it meant that they died for there faith. But whatever they did, they had one thing in common, they all spent their life in true, total devotion to Our Lord.

Pope Benedict 16th, once said in a sermon, that he preached on All Saints Day, and I quote... ‘This, then, is the meaning of today's Solemnity: looking at the shining example of the Saints, to reawaken within us the great longing to be like them; happy to live near God, in his light, in the great family of God's friends. Being a Saint means living close to God, to live in his family. And this is the vocation of us all.’

To me family is a very important aspect of everyday life, I have my immediate family, partner, parents, children, Grandson, yet I also rejoice in being a part of a church family. 

Sometimes within our family units, we don’t always get on, and through some of my recent actions within our Church Family Unit, I have not only formerly been nicknamed by Jasmine, as ‘The Best Looking, Youngest Bishop,’ but now by +Martyn, as ‘The Gobbiest Bishop’ of TESSAC.  

I know that I have recently upset some of the The Clergy and Laity present, but I also know, that I really did upset Bishop Martyn, and so to you all, but especially to +Martyn, I do sincerely apologise for my actions. 

However, if I am open and honest, and I do hope +Martyn will agree, that through our recent exchange of words, I do firmly believe, that good has come from our recent debate, and that we actually have a lot more in common than I originally thought. 

We have become a lot closer with our Mission of leading the Clergy and Laity of TESSAC in the ways of faith...we share a lot of the same visions, for the Church...and, also, as a person, (and I will have to swallow, whilst saying the next few words,)...he ain’t that bad of an ‘Old’ stick really.

Like The Saints who have gone before, we are all diverse...yes we all bring our own gifts...yet each of us is greatly unique and loved by God! That is something, to be grateful for.

It would be a boring existence if we were all the same, so let us all acknowledge that we are all different, yet focused on one thing...getting the message of The Gospel out to the people, whom we serve.


In a few moments, we will be coming to the part of The Mass where we share The Peace. I sometimes wonder if we really know what this part of the service is all about.

I know at the beginning of Mass we share a Public Confession, and receive absolution, but is that enough! 

Sometimes, me being me, a bit controversial, when I celebrate the Liturgy, I move The Peace to the beginning of the service. ‘Why?’ I hear some of you ask. 

For me its a part of Reconciliation...a time to put right some of those differences we may have with each other...or if we can’t agree, come an understanding of any differences that we have, before General Confession and Absolution take place.

You see, I believe that true forgiveness comes, when you have the bottle to approach the person you have hurt and say with all sincerity...Sorry!

One thing I don’t want you to do is get paranoid, I know that most of the time, we as a Church Family get on really well, and The Peace can reflect that too...as we rejoice in the friendship and fellowship that we share, one with another. 

However, when we share the peace today, I would also ask you to  consider it in a different stance. Think of it as a time to make that special effort to embrace those you may of have hurt...had a difference of opinion with...or even those you don’t particularly like.

Think before you share it. 

This is your chance within The Mass, by handshake or hug, to show outwardly that we do care...and that we are at one with each other.

If we find someone difficult here to get along with, make an extra special effort to share the peace with them...so that before we each come to the focal point of our Faith...where as a Christian Family here on Earth...  interceding with our Heavenly family, The Saints who have gone before us, and The Virgin Mary, Mother of God...then by being spiritually fed...receiving Jesus into our lives...we are truly at peace with each other... then, and I quote from Philippians...’God's peace, which does goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard our thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.’


In conclusion, When I was organist at St. Paul’s Church in Northampton, an old friend of mine, Fr Stephen Evans, The Vicar at the time, (who I believe trained with +Martyn at Stephen’s House, and preached at his Ordination at St Luke’s Winchester,) preached one of the most powerful sermons I have ever heard in my life...A homily, that I have never ever forgotten.

He started by quoting The Greatest Commandment, from Matthew’s Gospel.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” 

Fr Stephen then went on to say, If as a church family we have no love for each other...and only pay lip service to our faith...then what are we doing here? 

What message are we giving out to the people? 

If we haven’t got love for each other as a Christian Family...and hold a mutual respect...then we might as well bolt the doors and go home.


So with this in mind, let us remember today that we are a family...at peace with each other. So like The Saints, that have shown us by their example...we...each of us...can by interceding with our Heavenly Family...can be empowered to go out into the world to proclaim the Risen Saviour.


Let your light shine before men, that they may see you good deeds and praise your father who is in heaven.


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