
Hi and welcome to my Blog...I am Pete a Diocesan Bishop of an Independent Catholic Jurisdiction in The UK. The Darley Abbey Diocese is an all inclusive, forward thinking Community of The Faithful, and welcomes all to journey with us seeking a closer relationship with God through The Message of The Gospels, through The Sacraments and Prayer

Monday, 6 September 2010

Power of Prayer

For those of you who are struggling with their faith,
for those of you that feel that you are just dregging through the mud
keep your chin up, and remember the words of scripture taken from The Gospel of Matthew 7.7

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Prayer is the most powerful tool we have as Christians, and can come in all sorts of different ways...through music...through stillness...going to our favourite spot in creation...by reading our favourite daily office.. even shouting or being angry at God is not a bad thing.

To advance our spiritual journey within Adoramus we must as a community believe in the power of Prayer. Today, I sat for an hour in the middle of our local Eagle Centre Market and prayed...prayed for the people who walked past...for the growth of our ministry, and for the best way forward to serve our local community here in Derby.

We may not always get what we want....we may not always get our desires striaght the way...we ,may even be led into the unknown, but by the power of The Sacraments and being a Spirit led Community Adoramus is encouraging its Priests and Laity to take time out in prayer every day, to listen to that still small voice of calm to guide us all through our ministry, remembering that the ministry of Adoramus does not belong to us, but to God.

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