
Hi and welcome to my Blog...I am Pete a Diocesan Bishop of an Independent Catholic Jurisdiction in The UK. The Darley Abbey Diocese is an all inclusive, forward thinking Community of The Faithful, and welcomes all to journey with us seeking a closer relationship with God through The Message of The Gospels, through The Sacraments and Prayer

Monday, 20 September 2010

Gifts of The Spirit Goodness

Fruits of The Spirit


If I am honest, after the events of today, I wanted to abandoned tonight’s posting on ’Goodness,’ because within the last 8 hours or so, I have really had my faith tested.

To keep these posts positive, (although it would be easier not to,) I don’t want to go into the events of the day. I feel that whenever Christians are persecuted for their faith, are we not just following in Jesus’ footsteps.

Goodness is an act from one person to another
When we say ‘Good God’ is it symbolic wording of Praising God
Goodness can take place, and be a part of society, if we are prepared to go out from behind our closed doors and share acts of love with our neighbour and friends.

In the story of the passion, Jesus was crucified on Good Friday...a day that Christians remember for his act of goodness to set his people free from sin.

Three days later, Jesus  rose triumphant from the dead, enabling us, alongside other Christians, strong in their faith, from this and past generations, to go out into the world and proclaim ‘The Good News’ of The Gospel Message, to whoever wishes to hear it.

‘Let your light so shine before men that they may see your ‘good’ deeds, and praise your father who is in heaven’ (Matt5 :16)  

Monday, 13 September 2010

Gifts of The Spirit Love

The Gifts of The Spirit


Bishop Pete

Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Matthew 22.36-40

The Message of The Gospel moves from generation to generation, and the quote above from Matthews Gospel is a clear message...and one that anyone past or present can adapt into their everyday lives.

Each of us has within us the power to pray, for a closer relationship with God, for our own lives, our family, friends and for others around us within our local community.

We also can make time to have a real presence within our local community, making sure an elderly or lonely neighbour is ok, by saying hello or simply giving a smile to a passing neighbour, anything to bring care back into our local communities.

Adoramus is a very much a Eucharistic based, Spirit and prayer led community...which is seeking to find a way forward together as a community to bring the message of The Gospel alive through a modern approach to Catholicism to our local communities in Rotherham, Swindon and Derby, and beyond, valuing the communities where we live and minister to.

As we approach 10 years of Ministry within The Old Catholic Movement we are planning many events over the next year to bring the message of The Gospels back to the people of our local areas, sharing the power of The Love of God within our local communities.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Eulogy

For the first time in many years, i have embarked upon a programme of study, The CCRS Course...with the first module being based on 'Christology.'

Most of my friends and colleagues know that, i have a ministry here in Derby and throughout The East Midlands working with The Bereaved, within the context of Christian Celebration of Life Style Services, reflecting on the person, their life, their personality.

Whilst i was reflecting and taking time to pray during my study this afternoon...I Found myself wondering what would i say to the congregation, in the guise of a celebration of life tribute, if i was asked to conduct The Funeral Service of Jesus at our local Cemetery with a 20 minute service slot...and I came up with the following

I doubt whether there will be many of you present that will be able to cast your minds back to Bethlehem during 4BC, when Jesus first came into this world a son to Mary and The Holy Spirit.

He would be brought up by his Mother Mary and Step Father Joseph, and from an early age would grow up in Nazareth, alongside his brothers James, Joses, Simon and Judas, and his sister Salome.

His Step Father Joseph was a carpenter by trade, so alongside his Dad, Jesus would work in nearby Sephoris (a City being rebuilt between 3BC and 12 AD,) and according to Jesus's close friend Fr Murphy O'Connor, 'Jesus's youth was spent in The Cosmopolitan world of a Major Construction Site' (quoted from an article in The Sunday Times 24.12.88)

After being baptised in The River Jordon by John The Baptist, Jesus, continued to work in a Ministerial capacity preaching about 'The Kingdom of God' firstly in Judaea, and then following the arrest of his Cousin John The Baptist, Jesus preached in Galilee.

Although Jesus was never blest with any children of his own, he did have very close friendships with his 12 best friends first, Simon (Known to you all as Peter) his brother Andrew; James, and his brother John; Philip, Bartholomew; Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, and i am sure that those of his friends who are present today will remember some of those special times that they have spent with Jesus over the past few years.

So we have spent some time speaking of Jesus's early life, his family and career, but to gather more of a picture for him I would like to ask you all a question. What were the things that made him happy the things that made Jesus smile?

Here you may recall, that Jesus loved to be close to creation, for he loved spending time walking from town to town with his Disciples. He also loved water...especially when he was walking on it

He also enjoyed going out socialising, and some of you may remember Jesus Changing water in wine at his friends wedding in Canaan of Galilee

Thoughts today could be of Jesus spending time with his friends in The Upper Room breaking bread and sharing Wine.

In quieter moments memories may be of Jesus in The presence of his father spending time in prayer'

Memories may simply be, that although from time to time Jesus was known to lose his temper...and perhaps today isn't the time or place to mention the time he visited The Temple, and that he was prone to make some enemies, which lead to his eventual torture and his sentence to death by Crucifixion, at The hands of The Roman occupying forces in Jerusalem.

He was a well liked man by those who choose to follow and accept his teachings, and i am sure that he will be deeply missed by those who have come to know him over the years.

The above is the funeral eulogy which would have been used if he had been buried the same day...in England it can know take up to 10 days to bury a loved one, so Fortunately, this eulogy would never been read, for as we know Jesus Rose again on The Third Day, Alleluia!!!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Power of Prayer

For those of you who are struggling with their faith,
for those of you that feel that you are just dregging through the mud
keep your chin up, and remember the words of scripture taken from The Gospel of Matthew 7.7

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

Prayer is the most powerful tool we have as Christians, and can come in all sorts of different ways...through music...through stillness...going to our favourite spot in creation...by reading our favourite daily office.. even shouting or being angry at God is not a bad thing.

To advance our spiritual journey within Adoramus we must as a community believe in the power of Prayer. Today, I sat for an hour in the middle of our local Eagle Centre Market and prayed...prayed for the people who walked past...for the growth of our ministry, and for the best way forward to serve our local community here in Derby.

We may not always get what we want....we may not always get our desires striaght the way...we ,may even be led into the unknown, but by the power of The Sacraments and being a Spirit led Community Adoramus is encouraging its Priests and Laity to take time out in prayer every day, to listen to that still small voice of calm to guide us all through our ministry, remembering that the ministry of Adoramus does not belong to us, but to God.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Adoramus ICM is back

Every now and again, i have to look with sadness with the way in which Church Officals treat each other people of faith...always wanting to condem or make judgement on what other jurisdictions are doing and refusing to work together for the greater good of The Message of The Gospels.

Brother Richard the true founding member celebrates 10 years of Priesthood later this year, therefore Adoramus celebrates 10 years of Ministry in November. We as a jurisdiction from 'All Saints Day,' aim to have a real time of celebration. Anyone who has worked and trained for ministry with us during the past ten years, (some of whom are now Bishops} are welcome to join with us for these celebrations.

We shall continue to grow from strength to strength...from our websites you will be able to see that our vision of 10 years ago is still as strong today as it was then, as we continue to offer a complete and inclusive ministry to everyone...Bishop Pete, Brother Richard, Fr Mark and Fr Barry are all striving to get The Message of The Gospel out to the people...meeting people (Yes and that may mean in pubs, town centres and being totally inclusive gay bars as well) where they are nurturing the faithful with their spiritual growth and personal walk of faith...encourageing those who have been damaged by 'The Established Religion' to seek and find one more time...we are not a church that sits behind our laptops or computers creating false empires or trying to damage another Churches work...we are a spiritual and prayer lead community, with a modern approach to a living Faith within The confines of The Seven Sacraments, bringing the faith alive using the riches of Liturgy, Music and Prayer to the people of God.

Adoramus is back...we are going to be a true presence within The Old/Independent Catholic Community...we are not going to be a community of closeted bishops that just like to dress up ordain and then cause trouble through there own ignorance for the rest of Christodom, we are a community that will grow with priests and religious reaching out to people with true faith bringing light and the love of Christ back to the people within our local communities.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

New to this

Hi everyone...well here's my first ever attempt at blogging...today has been a very interesting day for me...I have enrolled onto a course, celebrated the Mass and reflected and created a meditation on today's Gospel Reading through intercessory prayer.

The really annoying thing is...I can't remember what i said....one day i will record my relflections and share them with you on here

My Prayers tonight are with The Ministry of Adoramus Christian Ministries...its Clergy and those with whom we are associated with.

Grace and Peace